Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Post!

My good friends Jeff and Jennifer had a baby and she is, hands down, the cutest baby ever. Meet Penelope!
Jeff's mom inspired the name of my blog after leaving a note on a plate of cupcakes saying, "Cupcakes are for sharing!" I embroidered a tee shirt for Jeff- which he proudly wore despite some criticism from a co-worker, "That's a pretty lofty opinion... coming from a guy wearing an embroidered tee shirt." Fast forward several years later and I knew that Penelope was definitely going to need a cupcake shirt too. So, here it is!

Doesn't get much better than this.


  1. So Cute. Good Job Molly. Will you make me a Bigfoot hoodie? You got skills.

  2. That's great! Can't wait for your Etsy site to launch!

  3. um, excuse me, Molly "Britney Spears" Hardison, but I do believe I have the cutest baby ever, hands down, and I'm pretty sure he'd like a cupcake tee-shirt, too. pleasecomevisitusandgiveusteeshirts!

  4. oh, my goodness. we have an extreme cuteness situation here.
