Monday, May 24, 2010

Gettin' jiggy wit it

Today was the second day I helped out at El Jardin. Moving stuff around, cleaning and general Swissing. I like to Swiss things. A lot. perhaps I should explain that Swissing is a term I did not come up with, but one that I've kept alive because I like it so much. When I lived in Prescott, Arizona my friend Clay would come over to my house after I returned from a summer(s) in Provincetown... with butt loads of fancy hair and skin products. He'd burst in through my front door and say, "Let's get Swiss!" This was a good ten years before the godawful term "metrosexual" got bantered about on a daily basis, seriously, ad fucking nauseam.
Anyway- I'm ALSO bringing the cupcake (!) to Northampton and I, for one, cannot wait!
Tuesday Markets downtown will be carrying them, hopefully, within the next two weeks bitches! They're gonna look something like this (see above, as done by Martha Stewart... duh) and, oh yes (!) there will be strawberry shizzort cizzake! Bring it! Oh, it has been broughten!


  1. My lord, is that a cornmeal muffin with raspberry preserves and whipped cream all entombed in a canning jar? Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit, I think I've died and gone to heaven.

  2. I believe I just started and finished my christmas shopping list! I want to jump in that jar naked!
